f e a t u r e s
a n d
c o l l a b o r a t i o n s
n o c o n c e p t o f t e r r i t o r y
no concept of territory is an exhibition project directed and run by Captured Polity. the exhibit series was a project in partnership with Dialogues Hybrid Arts, a hybrid art delivery project run by Elisavet Kalpaxi with the support of Konstantinos Panapakidis. the project was dialogue #20 and was curated by myself. it was a seven part series exploring and imagining the society at large functioning with no concept of territory. it explored these themes in the word of technology, family, masculinity, creative design within communities and geopolitical landscapes. the final exhibit summarised themes themes in collaborative pieces that involved community members and performance makers local to London. for more information, see the details below:
-about the exhibit's structure and symbolism-
our echoes. without having a concept of territory, our journey and activities are ones of presence,
with all encounters being real,
full of life, clarity and meaning.
We are whole,
and all angles of our existence are echoes that reverberate the sounds of life.
our world. worlds are the testaments of a moment of rest/restedness,
monuments of the rest that shaped and transformed us,
formed our approach to communicating and connecting.
3. our bases. here we explore various foundations for the building of a lifestyle with no concept of territory.
21 pilots - breaking concept.
the drawing... words' technique.
cousin ...in paint.
(our) design - stranger.
introducing form - siblinghood ideated.
seeing form as made - siblinghood actualised.
function (garden), marriage.
-comments on the logo,
with the theme of gardens, fields and refractions' bi-product ie colour, N.COT's logo aims to draw the mind to what really connects us: our nature and the perspectives that rise from our nurture.
evolving of the theme,
the theme began as a project to explore gardens and the culvitation of plants and ground within a community garden group. the original idea was then postponed for later exploration, and CapturedPolity's linkedin did a call out for exhibitors, of which we had 11 responses and 6 successful applicants.
and participation hopes vs realities-
despite incredible responses to the call out, we had differing schedules with participants, which meant our hopes for the exhibit differed to the reality. We had hope for some live sharings as per the dialogues formula, and will attempt to do so in the coming year.

copy of the original call out for participating artists
e m o t i o n s o f s u m m e r
emotions of summer creative lab 2022 (CL22) is a project designed by Anrini and Joy from 2022’s Creative Lab. It explored an interactive exhibition prototype designed to interactively process through information, telling stories about British identity and the simplicity of expressing emotions. for more information, see the details below:
c o n t i n u u m
emotions of summer creative lab 2022 (CL22) is a project designed by Anrini and Joy from 2022’s Creative Lab. It explored an interactive exhibition prototype designed to interactively process through information, telling stories about British identity and the simplicity of expressing emotions. for more information, see the details below:
modelling joy alongside: